Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vermilion Fair

I haven't been to the Vermilion Fair in years and when I was offerred the opportunity to take my little cousins, Carter and Abby, my niece, Leighton and Max.....I jumped on it!  I remember the fair being a lot of fun when I was a kid so I was excited to see how much fun it would be to watch these kids enjoy it!
This was the spinning, Strawberry ride....I don't think Leighton was feeling as good as Carter!
 My sister-in-law, Casey, came too and it was a good thing because it was tough trying to keep track of the three kids that all wanted to do different things.  There was the rides, the petting zoo, face painting and games!  I told Casey it was a good test run to see how many kids I want to have! :)
Grandma Joyce was with us for the whole afternoon and mom managed to sneak away from work early to join us too!


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