Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You know you're in Nevis when.....

1. When you're driving, the sheep and goats have the 'right of way'
2. The Post Office will not ship glass
3. A box of cherrios costs more than a bottle of rum
4. Having four functioning door handles and/or windows in your SUV is a luxury
5. It is legal to drink and drive but illegal to drive while using a cell phone
6. You call 911 and no one answers
7. A package mailed from Canada takes two weeks to travel 6000kms to St.Kitts and then takes another two weeks to travel 2kms from St.Kitts to Nevis
8. You never drive through puddles, fearing the size of the pothole underneath
9. You're motto to live by is 'when you get one free, take two'
10. The locals will cut an entire 2 acres of grass with a weed whacker!

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