Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tis the Season

Well, its been over a year since I've been on here and I figured there is no time like the present to catch everyone up on what we've been up to.  Here it goes...
In April we had several milestones. 
Kris turned 30!  So, we had a celebration on the beach!
Max turned one!  So, we had another party!
(Under the Sea theme:) 
Cake Smash! 
Then Kris finished his portion of his degree on the island.....sob:(....but we had another party anyways!
After that we moved back to Canada where we planned to spend the summer at my parents, while Kris studied for his board exam.
The summer turned into fall....
And now fall has turned into winter.
And we are still here:)
We have realised along the way that nothing turns out to be as simple as you would think or like it to be.  It's not a bad thing, you just have to be flexible.   We understand that better now, and now we know that our expectations to be in the US by now....were a little high.
It has been more of a process than we thought; to apply for Kris to write his exam, to get his marks, to write a research paper(and have it approved and graded), to get medical insurance, to make doctors appointments, to gather documents etc, etc and so on, and so forth....just to start his clinical portion of his degree!(sorry for the rant;)  But again, we are just being patient and flexible while we wait for the school. 
At the moment, Kris is writing his research paper and we wont be going anywhere till the new year.  I am at home with Max, waiting patiently for the end(when I get my husband back).  And in the mean time, we will be in Canada and hopefully get to spend some quality time with some quality people in December while we're still here!
Thanks to all who have shown/expressed their love and support! 
I will make sure to keep you up to date with what we are up to.